This cabinet had so much going for it. Its quality, style and size made it a perfect piece for an update.
While it was in fairly good shape when I got it, a missing cross support and a bottom shelf board needed to be replaced to give it stability and make the cabinet useable again. The original finish on the cabinet was good except for the top that was scratched and worn. My plan was to update the old finish with a dry brush technique using black paint that would still allow the original wood grain to show through.
The top was sanded to bare wood and stained to match the rest of the cabinet so the same stain color would show through the black dry brushing.
Products Used
- General Finishes Milk Paint, Lamp Black
- General Finishes High Performance Satin
- Hand Forged Hardware sourced online
The piece was washed with TSP, rinsed and allowed to dry before painting. Working in sections I painted the black and immediately, using a dry brush removed as much of the paint as desired to get the look that I wanted.
The top I treated a bit differently. I made a color wash using the same black paint mixed with about 1/3 parts water and brushed it on then used a soft cloth to whip off leaving a more even and transparent coat.